Educating Patients in Kidney Care
Everything you need to know about kidney disease
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When you have kidney disease, your kidneys are no longer able to remove waste effectively from your body or balance your fluids. This buildup of wastes can change the chemistry of your body, causing some symptoms you can feel—and others you don’t.
It is important to know that symptoms of chronic kidney disease are often non specific and sings often appear when irreversible damage has already occurred.
These symptoms may include:
Nausea and vomiting
Loss of appetite
Fatigue and weakness
​Sleep problems
Persistent itching
Changes in urine output
Muscle twitches and cramps
​Decrease in mental sharpness
​Shortness of breath
​High blood pressure
Treatment of chronic kidney disease is focused around slowing of the kidney damage progression by controlling the underlying cause. Chronic kidney disease can progress to Stage 5 - also known as the End Stage Renal Disease which is fatal without artificial kidney replacement therapy (dialysis) or kidney transplant.
Factors that may increase your risk of chronic kidney disease include:
Diabetes type 1 or 2
​High blood pressure
Heart disease
High cholesterol
Being African, Asian or Native American descent
​Family history of kidney disease
Age 65 or older
Long term analgesics use
General recommendations for patients with chronic kidney disease are centered around low salt, low potassium and low protein diet. Please talk to your Nephrologist or Renal Dietitian for individualized recommendation.
​Since signs and symptoms of chronic kidney disease are often present at later stages of CKD when kidney damage is irreversible, people with increased risk should be screened routinely by a general practitioner and in many cases a nephrologist (kidney specialist) to prevent or slow progression of kidney failure.